December 31 2021 – Lindsey Neill

Dog Pile Color Scheme Inspiration
Need help with your fabric pull for the Dog Pile quilt? I've made four mock-ups using Kona solids below! The name of the solids are listed below each mock-up. Hope you find them helpful!
I've also included a link to a printable Dog Pile coloring page file at the very end of this post. Click on the link to be taken directly to the download.
Grab a Dog Pile quilt kit from Sewtopia HERE!

1/4 yard of Foxglove, Creamsicle, Overcast, Curry, and White
Fat 1/8 of Coal
1/2 yard of Haze, Parchment, Shitake, and Cobblestone
1 yard of Quicksilver
(Kits are available from Sewtopia!)

1/4 yard of Primrose, Fog, Emerald, Grellow, and PFD White
Fat 1/8 of Black
1/2 yard of Coal, Shadow, Snow, and Pewter
1 yard of Dresden Blue

1/4 yard of Ice Frappe, Primrose, Mango, Zuchinni, and White
Fat 1/8 of Coal
1/2 yard of Haze, Smoke, Stone, and Ivory
1 yard of Lighthouse

1/4 yard of Slate, Shale, Sunny, Cedar, and PFD White
Fat 1/8 of Black
1/2 yard of Coal, Shadow, Snow, and Pewter
1 yard of Iron